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Oct 15, 2023

Red moment at the seaside

The images I take are usually not very planned. Especially if they are done in the streets. I'm merely observing what is happening around me. Every series of my photography is mostly compiled from the pictures accumulated from my ramblings in the streets, if they are about people. And the picture in question is not a deviation from the ordinary process.

The photo, which is also featured in the Musee Magazine, was taken while I was at the seaside at night. The red light and the lonely man immediately caught my attention. And I thought it would be a nice street photography scene. The scene provokes questions like who is this man, what he is doing, especially in that alarming red light which is also quite noir-like. And I think photography, as well as other art forms of human activity, should pose some questions to be interesting. The scene also bears some fleur of loneliness. In many of my photos I like to draw the viewer's attention to the overall feeling of human loneliness and alienation, so the image fits perfectly in my continued series of such pictures.

Equipment used are the Pentax K-1 camera with Pentax SMC DA 50mm/F1.8 lens.

Red moment man

(ISO 800, 1/13 sec, f/1.8, 50mm

Location: Batumi Seaside, Georgia)


Koscya Helaku. Some rights reserved.