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Pictures, be they static or moving, tell more than any words

Music DJ at the bar party

I've been in photography for a long time. I wouldn't say we have been having a beautiful time together. We've had our highs and lows. Once I even had a long break from photography, more than 10 years break. Nevertheless, photography has been living inside me all the time. My new photolife had started a couple of years ago. Since then I've changed systems, changed my interests in photo genres, styles etc. But the love to take picture hasn't changed. I see photos in everyday life, I see them everywhere. It's somewhat a blessing and at the same time a curse. You can't unsee pictures even if you are not capturing photos right now. So here I'm that cannot unsee. I've got interested in video recently too. Although I'm still figuring out what might it offer me in terms of creative expression.

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Koscya Helaku. Some rights reserved.